Is it worth Conversion?

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My company wants me to convert an Excel generated timesheet of Employees into
an Access generated timesheet.Are there more advantages of doing the same
thing in Access over Excel? If yes What?
Are you talking about entering the data and storing it? If so, yes, Access
would be much better suited (in my opinion).

If you are simply talking about printing a form that they will write on,
then no.
Anand Vaidya said:
My company wants me to convert an Excel generated timesheet of Employees into
an Access generated timesheet.Are there more advantages of doing the same
thing in Access over Excel? If yes What?

I'd say if it's working just the way you want it to now and there are no major
changes planned, leave it alone! If there ARE major changes required, you might as
well rewrite it in Access if you have local Access talent.

Tom Lake
Rick , how is it(Access) better when it comes to data entry and storing.We
can enter and store the data in Excel as well.right?I want to know - how
would an application done on Excel would be more flexible and more useful if
done in Access?like something which can't be done/done hardly in Excel and
can be done/done easily in Access. Rick,if you could elaborate/explain your
statement ,I would be happy.

Anand Vaidya
I'm here to know.

Rick B said:
Are you talking about entering the data and storing it? If so, yes, Access
would be much better suited (in my opinion).

If you are simply talking about printing a form that they will write on,
then no.
I was told that " Things can be done easier in Access than in Excel".What
does that mean?Are they pointing to REPORTS , Searching and sorting
I don't know anything about Excel.Is it not easy doing these things in Excel?
Access is a database. If you want to store records it is the way to go.
Each day (or possibly each punch) can be stored as a separate record. You
can allow users to go in and enter a new record, but maybe lock them out
from changing old records. In Excel it would be easy for them to monkey
with previous lines of data, change the structure of the spreadsheet, mess
up figures or calculations (by mistake ort on purpose.) etc.

In Access you can build reports to produce only the data you want. For
example, you could click a button and have it print a timesheet for the user
signed on for the current week without them having to specify a print range
or do anything special.

You would be able to analyze the data, compare one user to another, compare
one week to another, etc. You could easily color or bold days where hours
were less than a certain requirement. You could do similar flags for people
starting work late, taking long breaks, long lunches, etc.

It just depends on what you want to do. Excel and Access are two very
different programs. There are tasks that you would almost always do in
Excel, and there are tasks that you would almost always do in Access. If I
were trying to let a group of users enter timesheet data, I would do it in
Access. I almost never do anything in Excel that will be shared by multiple
people. It's too easy for them to mess it up. When I need a spreadsheet, I
use Excel. When I need to enter data daily or weekly, store it, report on
it, edit it, evaluate it, etc, then I use a database.

Rick B

Anand Vaidya said:
Rick , how is it(Access) better when it comes to data entry and storing.We
can enter and store the data in Excel as well.right?I want to know - how
would an application done on Excel would be more flexible and more useful
done in Access?like something which can't be done/done hardly in Excel and
can be done/done easily in Access. Rick,if you could elaborate/explain
statement ,I would be happy.
In Excel, you really need to store the data in a specific order.

In Access, you don't. That's because the data exists in tables that you
don't really use: all your interaction should be through Forms and Reports,
which are essentially views of the data.

That gives you the flexibility of, say, reorganizing your company very
easily. If currently you have 10 employees in Dept. A, and you need to move
3 of them to Dept. B and 2 to Dept. C, it's much easier to continue
reporting by department without having to rearrange your data.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Anand Vaidya said:
Rick , how is it(Access) better when it comes to data entry and storing.We
can enter and store the data in Excel as well.right?I want to know - how
would an application done on Excel would be more flexible and more useful if
done in Access?like something which can't be done/done hardly in Excel and
can be done/done easily in Access. Rick,if you could elaborate/explain your
statement ,I would be happy.
I'm lost. You say you don't know anything about Excel. In a previous post
you wanted to know why Access is good for this which leads me to believe you
do not know anything about Access. If you do not know Access or Excel,
wouldn't this task be better suited to someone in the company that has more
knowledge of at least one of the two programs?

To build a database to store time records, I'd want to have at least a
moderate knowledge of how to build a database.
It's true that I don't know Excel but atleast I can manage doing application
in Access(to my potential if not very hi-fi).I'm sorry Mike , you didn't get
me right.I wanted to know why use Access over Excel as I didn't have any idea
of Excel and also the application in already there on Excel.I was wondering
why again do it on Access( as I didn't knew what "can not" be done in Excel)
The logical explanation--
Between A and B , if you know A but not B , then how would you say that A is
better than B or worse than B.To say that you need to know both.
And you really don't have to worry about my Company's or my fate.Leave it to
me.I'll handle it.
And in the interest of every one who visit this site ,I suggest you not to
ponder very much about giving suggestions that would make visitors feel
I think this is enough for you to get you back on track from where you LOST.
I'm very very sorry about that Rick.I couldn't keep it to myself.But the
bottom line is-
"Don't salt the wound when one expects medicine"