I got two main memories of Gatwick.
1) about 1969/1970, evening, 4 or 5 of us on our way to Brighton.
One of the guys farted. It was really really smelly. I mean, like noxious turn the air purple smelly.
So Roy pulled over onto the slip road into Gatwick and we all leapt out gasping and retching and drew in lungfuls of welcome fresh air.
Police car pulled up behind us, officer got out, walked up to us and said 'No stopping here lads, this is a busy slip road, please get in the car and move on'
We chorused something like 'No way, you want to move the car, you drive it, but we ain't getting in there for at least five minutes, gotta let the air clear. Go on, stick your head in the motor and breathe in'
And to our amazement, this fine specimen of the Sussex Constabulary did just that. And promptly turned green.
He said to us 'Ok, you got ten minutes then you have to drive off. And whoever done that should seek mediical help'.
Second story.
About 1980 I'm x-raying an airplane fuel pipeline circling Gatwick. It's rainy and muddy.
Whilst I was waiting for some butt-welds to be completed to x-ray, one of the welders asked me to fetch his gloves and goggles on a trestle in the middle of this big muddy area.
'Sure' I said and set off in me wellies to do the guy a favour.
When I'm about 3 metres from the trestle I sink in very soft mud up to my thighs. My wellies fill up, I cannot move. I am well and truly stuck.
I look over my shoulder and see about twenty geezers laughing their heads off saying 'We got another one, ha ha ha'
I shouted at them a rather good selection of profane abuse but I still stayed stuck.
I was there for a good ten minutes and in the end a crane came came over, lowered a leather circle, I put that under my arms and it pulled me out and swung me back to terra firma.
So there ya go, that's my Gatwick stories
Just don't ask me about Heathrow...