Kim Komando's web site carries an ad offering a
free scan
with PC Pitstop's optimize program. Has anybody
tried this?
I fear that it may be one of those scams that
tell you that
you have problems and you have to buy their
software to
clear them up?
Has anyone run this free scan? Please report
what happened.
Jack from Taxacola (formerly Pensacola), FL
It's pretty "iffy" actually, and takes a pretty
fair amounf of time to do. If you decide to do
that sort of thing, I'd advise using two or three
different places for scans and compare their
outputs. If they agree, it's probably accurate.
If they don't agree and especially if they say you
have to buy their software to fix things, give
them a wide breadth.
IMO you would do better to define your problems
here, assuming you have a valid reason for wanting
to scan your computer. Specifically, what is it
you want to have scanned, and why? PCPitstop has
an awful lot of different features and functions,
last I looked at it. Usually you can't tell what
those sites are going to scan, or why they chose
to scan certain things.
PC Pitstop itself isn't too trashy, but ... who
knows what another site might be doing with it?
When you're not the operator you don't know what
they're scanning for or even why or if it's a
complete scan, and might they go making changes
without giving you options, or will you have to
buy their product, etc. etc. etc.?
IMO A little paranoia over such issues is
healthy. Oh, and there are going to be a few
responses saying to avoid such programs at all
costs because they can also do registry scans;
those are a small group of closed minded dummies
here, so don't worry about them.