I've had one building in the background for two years without realizing it.
I've turned the logging function off, but the damage is done. File is a
little large than I'd like at nearly 28 GB--yes, GB.
It wouldn't do me any good anyway, nothing will open it at that size (MS or
other apps from other parties). I was going to go in and kill anything that
wasn't recent and just keep the file.
Wanted to make sure nothing would explode if I sent it to the electronic
I've turned the logging function off, but the damage is done. File is a
little large than I'd like at nearly 28 GB--yes, GB.
It wouldn't do me any good anyway, nothing will open it at that size (MS or
other apps from other parties). I was going to go in and kill anything that
wasn't recent and just keep the file.
Wanted to make sure nothing would explode if I sent it to the electronic