Is it really installed? Read my lips Why not auto-reject?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kylie
  • Start date Start date


I've been thru installation. Icon is on desktop. Why does
the darned thing keep wanting to run me thru the
installation every time I turn on my machine?

I want my start up to include the Works Calendar and it
tells me every time that it's trying to run and should I
allow it, and I say yes and it doesn't do it.

Cool Web Browser keeps trying to get in on an hourly basis.
Beta allows me to say "always allow" but it doesn't allow
me to say "always reject."

(I know this isn't microsoft, it's a newsgroup, but I hope
someone from the spyware program occasionally reads
customer comme nts here since it isn't a supported product.
How else do they get feedback?
Hi ya Kylie,
Yep. Those 'someone's' * from MS do really read these groups, and that's how
they get a lot of their feedback.

I think you have bigger issues than loading your Works calendar if CoolWeb
is knocking at the door.

Try this and report back:

Boot into Safe Mode (F8) at startup;
Empty your temporary files AND your Temporary Internet Files C:\Documents
and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files folder ;
Run the scan while in safe mode;
If you are running SP2, open IE--->Tools--->Manage Add-ons, and uncheck any
BHO's that you don't recognize.

Ron Chamberlin

*really nice folks in my opinion
Kylie said:
I've been thru installation. Icon is on desktop. Why does
the darned thing keep wanting to run me thru the
installation every time I turn on my machine?

I want my start up to include the Works Calendar and it
tells me every time that it's trying to run and should I
allow it, and I say yes and it doesn't do it.

Cool Web Browser keeps trying to get in on an hourly basis.
Beta allows me to say "always allow" but it doesn't allow
me to say "always reject."

I agree with Ron--please follow his advice.

Things knocking on the door on an hourly, daily, or other, basis are
probably installed on your machine and not properly cleaned. Cleaning in
safe mode via full, deep scans, preferably repeating until one comes through
clean, should work, although many such critters are resistant.

I agree that there's something flawed about your Microsoft Antispyware
installation--this is a syndrome that I recognize, but don't have a fix for
(the continual repeat of the initial wizard.)

If Microsoft Antispyware is listed in add or remove programs, I would
recommend going there, selecting it, and hitting change, and then update.
Let's see if that will kick the installation into completing properly.