.. need to know where to type the formula at?
A little step by step if possible.
but, but ... wasn't the above explained quite clearly in my response? In B2?
Pl re-read the response carefully
A general point. Don't re-type formulas given. You're likely to introduce
errors. Just copy the formula(s) direct from the response, then paste
directly into the formula bar for the cell(s) as mentioned in the response.
Prior to posting, the formulas would have been tested in order by the
responder. You should, of course, note the set-up assumptions (sheetnames,
etc) -- these assumptions would be stated in the response -- and ensure that
these are replicated in your book before doing the direct copy n paste.
You might want to review some basics at Debra's:
Excel -- Data Validation -- Introduction
Excel -- Worksheet Functions -- VLookup
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