you must buy an ODBC license from MYOB to get access to all tables. If you
need to have the data definitions for all tables then you must also buy the
Developer edition (approx. 4X the cost of the ODBC licence).
You can get ODBC access to 4-5 tables normally, but these are pretty well
useless for any meaningful data.
BTW, the access is "Read Only" you must use the MYOB import methods for
getting data into MYOB.
Last of all, if you have a large MYOB datafile the data access is
woooooefully slow. Connect, go and have a coffee and if you are lucky you
may see the data when you return.
To link, you set up a new ODBC connection in Control Panel|ODBC
Connections|System DSN.
Give the connection a name, browse for the MYOB datafile and enter a
username & password. If you have bought a license, add the unlock code.
Then in the Access tables window, link tables|Files of Type: ODBC
Databases(). Select the name of the new connection from the System DSN tab
and voilah!
Good luck,