Is it possible to remove a text line

  • Thread starter Thread starter katy
  • Start date Start date


Hi All, I have created a video project in Movie Maker. It is saved as a
project. The project contains some short videos and some still pictures.
After I opened the project, I moved one of the short videos to another part
of the project but the text that was written 'on the clip' did not move with

It remained in the same place as I originally had the associated video. Now
that the associated video is moved, the text doesn't make sense over the
'new picture(s)'.

I hope this makes sense, I am not sure how to explain it. Is there any way
to either remove the original 'title on the selected clip' or 'change/edit'
the original text?? All I seem to be able to do is 'add' and that just adds
to the confusion.

It seems there must be a way but I just cannot find it! Please can anyone

TIA for any help!!
open the project
switch from storyboard view to timeline view
zoom the timeline in
find the title on the title\overlay track at the bottom of the timeline
drag it beneath the correct clip
or right click it to choose the menu item edit the text
Thanks PM for the reply, I followed your instructions pretty well up to...
'zoom the timeline in'..... I opened Project, then changed to timeline
view, but couldn't figure out how to 'zoom the timeline in'. is it a right
click on the video/image or where is this 'zoom' feature? maybe if I can
find THAT, I will find the title referred to on your directions in the next
line of instructions, where you state 'find the title on the title\overlay
track at the bottom of the timeline'. would you happen to have a print
screen of that, so I know I'm where the 'track at the bottom of the
timeline' is?
Thanks PJ, I finally got it!!! I was in a view that was the 'exact
opposite' of timeline, thinking-part of my brain was not active. Thanks for
showing me more so I could get this done right!!
Thanks both PJ and PM!!! katy