Is it possible to pass arguments to excel file ? (from command line)

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Hello there.

I have an excel workbook that on open contacts a database.
I would like to make it optional with an argument i'll
pass when opening the file. Is it possible?
I have an excel workbook that on open contacts a database.
I would like to make it optional with an argument i'll
pass when opening the file. Is it possible?

There may be a more elegant way using Windows API calls, but the crude way would
be to use a batch file to load the command line tail into an environment
variable that an Excel workbook could read. For example, use the following batch
file to store the command line tail in the environment variable cmdln and launch

@REM begin startxl.bat
@echo off

set op=%PROMPT%
set PROMPT=$z

set xlfn=%1

set cmdln=%1

if "%1" == "" goto cont
set cmdln=%cmdln% %1
goto loop

start excel %xlfn%

set xlfn=
set cmdln=

set PROMPT=%op%
set op=

@REM end startxl.bat

Then use a Workbook_Open event handler to fetch the command line tail.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

MsgBox Prompt:=Environ("cmdln"), _
Buttons:=vbOKOnly, _
Title:="Command line tail"

End Sub

Run the batch file using a PIF file that starts off in a minimized window, and
it'll be difficult to tell that Excel isn't loading as it would by directly
running excel.exe.