Is it possible to highlight just one letter of textbox with window forms?

  • Thread starter Thread starter pkellner
  • Start date Start date


Or, is there a way to highlight the a character in a textbox that is
not the last? That is, move the current position of the cursor to
inside a word of an item in a textbox?

Thanks, just what I wanted. Two other curiosities. One, I got an
email from a on this reply. I posted through google.
How'd that happen? and, Two, I notice you are a compac framework MVP.
Have you tried the new 5.0 stuff? I can't seem to get it to install
without hanging. I've even done a complete reinstall on my dell
inspiron of XP Pro to no avail.

Thanks again for the answer.
I got an email from a on
this reply. I posted through google. How'd
that happen?
Not sure. I replied from my Outlook Express client and I'm not affiliated
Have you tried the new 5.0 stuff? I can't seem to
get it to install without hanging. I've even done a
complete reinstall on my dell inspiron of XP Pro to
no avail.
Are you referring to the "Windows Mobile 5.0 Developer Evaluation Kit"?
This is the means by which I installed 5.0 support into a Virtual PC image
running Windows 2000 Pro and Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2. I followed the steps
that came with the evaluation kit and everything installed and funtioned as
Other than trying to somehow manually draw the underline yourself, if you're
targeting the desktop framework, the only thing that I can think of is to
switch to a RichTextBox and try to utilize the SelectionFont property.
Actually, I'm targetting smartphone with the 1.1 stuff. (since I can't
get the 2.0 working). This is for a prototype so beta is OK.
Hi Peter,

Several web sites monitor these newsgroups and many of these sites add signatures to the posts. They will all end up on though, so the fastest way is to not use a web based news reader at all but a 'proper' newsreader and log on directly.


Outlook Express is commonly used. Personally I prefer Opera.
Any suggestions (in windows) for a 'proper' newreader? I used Agent a
long time ago, then outlook express recently but haven't been that
happy with it.
pkellner said:
Any suggestions (in windows) for a 'proper' newreader? I used Agent a
long time ago, then outlook express recently but haven't been that
happy with it.

I personally use Microplanet Gravity, which used to be commercial, but
is now free:

Being Open Source, it can be changed if you need extra features. For
instance, when I hit Ctrl-F1, I get (the bit inside the quote tags):

Could you post a short but complete program which demonstrates the

See for details of
what I mean by that.

because I post that so often :)
The current version of the Compact Framework is 1.0 SP3. The desktop
framework is at 1.1. So the RichTextBox isn't going to be available to you
as it's not in the Compact Framework. By default when you enter a character
into a TextBox on a SmartPhone using the keypad, on the device or emulator,
the current character being input will be underlined. If you need to do
something custom above and beyond that then you're probably going to need to
paint it custom. This may not be pretty. So unless it's absolutely necessary
then you may want to consider an alternative.
[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]

I personally use Microplanet Gravity, which used to be commercial, but
is now free:

Being Open Source, it can be changed if you need extra features. For
instance, when I hit Ctrl-F1, I get (the bit inside the quote tags):

Could you post a short but complete program which demonstrates the

See for details of
what I mean by that.

because I post that so often :)
Thanks for the tip. I'm now using Gravity like you (a 'proper'
newsreader and I pointed it to my sbc news feed. Sorry for the off
topic question, but is there anyway to make it read just microsoft
newsgroups from the newsreader suggested (nntp://,
or does it really even matter.

[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]

"Tim Wilson" <TIM said:
The current version of the Compact Framework is 1.0 SP3. The desktop
framework is at 1.1. So the RichTextBox isn't going to be available to you
as it's not in the Compact Framework. By default when you enter a character
into a TextBox on a SmartPhone using the keypad, on the device or emulator,
the current character being input will be underlined. If you need to do
something custom above and beyond that then you're probably going to need to
paint it custom. This may not be pretty. So unless it's absolutely necessary
then you may want to consider an alternative.
Thanks, I think I'll live with the textbox as it is. I assume this
hasn't changed in 5.0? Is that true?
Peter Kellner said:
Thanks for the tip. I'm now using Gravity like you (a 'proper'
newsreader and I pointed it to my sbc news feed. Sorry for the off
topic question, but is there anyway to make it read just microsoft
newsgroups from the newsreader suggested (nntp://,
or does it really even matter.

Not entirely sure what you mean - you can have multiple servers, and
switch between them, if that's what you mean, or just subscribe to the
groups you want.
I don't have the Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK installed so I can't
verify this but I'm pretty confident that the TextBox works as it did in
previous versions.

Tim Wilson
..Net Compact Framework MVP

Peter Kellner said:
[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]

"Tim Wilson" <TIM said:
The current version of the Compact Framework is 1.0 SP3. The desktop
framework is at 1.1. So the RichTextBox isn't going to be available to you
as it's not in the Compact Framework. By default when you enter a character
into a TextBox on a SmartPhone using the keypad, on the device or emulator,
the current character being input will be underlined. If you need to do
something custom above and beyond that then you're probably going to need to
paint it custom. This may not be pretty. So unless it's absolutely necessary
then you may want to consider an alternative.
Thanks, I think I'll live with the textbox as it is. I assume this
hasn't changed in 5.0? Is that true?
[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]

Not entirely sure what you mean - you can have multiple servers, and
switch between them, if that's what you mean, or just subscribe to the
groups you want.
There was a comment earlier that said go directly to the
nntp:// newsfeed. I'm currently hooking up to SBC's
newsfeed. Is there any reason to get some newsgroups from msnews and
the rest from SBC? and, does MicroPlanet allow this (if it makes sense
which I'm not sure it does now since things seem to update pretty fast)
Peter Kellner said:
There was a comment earlier that said go directly to the
nntp:// newsfeed. I'm currently hooking up to SBC's
newsfeed. Is there any reason to get some newsgroups from msnews and
the rest from SBC? and, does MicroPlanet allow this (if it makes sense
which I'm not sure it does now since things seem to update pretty fast)

Yes, it allows it by letting you configure multiple servers. If the SBC
feed is okay though, I'd stick with that - it's a bit of a pain having
to switch servers frequently.
If SBC has all the microsoft groups you want, then you are ok. If there are some groups that are missing you will find them on You won't find any other groups than microsoft.* on msnews though.

[This followup was posted to microsoft.public.dotnet.framework and a
copy was sent to the cited author.]

Not entirely sure what you mean - you can have multiple servers, and
switch between them, if that's what you mean, or just subscribe to the
groups you want.
There was a comment earlier that said go directly to the
nntp:// newsfeed. I'm currently hooking up to SBC's
newsfeed. Is there any reason to get some newsgroups from msnews and
the rest from SBC? and, does MicroPlanet allow this (if it makes sense
which I'm not sure it does now since things seem to update pretty fast)
Morten Wennevik said:
If SBC has all the microsoft groups you want, then you are ok.

From what I've read in the past, it's generally not a good idea to use an
ISP's mirror of Microsoft's newsgroups since it's not reliable (i.e. you
might not get some posts).

As for newsreaders, I use 40tude Dialog -- of all the ones I've tried this
is my favourite by far (and it's easy to configure and use multiple news
servers with it).