Is it possible to get a NetworkCredential object from the current




I have a Web Application that connects to Exchange WebDAV using a class that
I found on
This class requires a NetworkCredential object in order to authenticate the
HTTP request against the Exchange server, and since that my WebApp is
configured in the IIS to use ONLY Integrated Windows Authentication I have
the Windows identity object from which I can get only the user name.

Is there a way to get a NetworkCredential object of the current user that is
connected to this web page?

I tried to impersonate the current user and use DefaultCredentials property
but it returned null. I get the same problem when I connect to webservices
that I created from other web applications.

Thanks in advance,


Bruno Alexandre

if you are using Exchange, you probably already have the username and
password of the user
from theire login to the machine or your webApplication...

just use that

Private mailCredentials As New Net.NetworkCredential("USERNAME", "PWD")


Well, not exactly... I can access the username using
System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name but I can't get
the user's password or domain...

If I try to use System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials it returns null.

Any ideas??

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