Is it possible to add fields to a form?

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I have added additional fields to a table, I would like it be added in the
How can I do it without having to recreate the form?

I already updated the table using Linked manager and I do see the additional
in Access, however, in the form the additional fields cannot be seen. Is
there any way I can add them without having to recreate the form?

Thank you,
just for informational purposes, forms do not hold fields. Forms/reports
hold controls and tables hold fields. If you added new fields then just
create new textbox controls (or combo or listboxes)...on the form and bind
them to the fields of your table. You do that by opening the newly added
control's property window in form's design view and under the data tab you
specify under control source which field they will be bound to.
Good luck
If the form is based on a query instead of an actual table, then you
will first have to go to that query and add those fields to the other
fields that the query is getting.

When you are sitting on the form in design mode, if you can find the
icon in the menus for Field List then click on that so it shows and you
should be able to then select and then drag and drop the two new fields
onto the form itself. But the other method works just as well,
particularly if you need a combo box.

Thanks for your reply!

I have added the two fields onto a table created in sql server. I have linked
this table into access tables. I do see the two additional fields in Access,
but since I created the form before I created the fields, when I open the
form in design mode, I don't see these two fields. I wanted to find out if
there is any way by which I can see these two fields in the form.

Thanks again!
Hi Oliver,

Thanks for your reply!

I have added the two fields into a table created in sql server. I have linked
this table into access. I do see the two additional fields in Access,
but since I created the form before I created the fields, when I open the
form in design mode, I don't see these two fields. I wanted to find out if
there is any way by which I can see these two fields in the form.

Thanks again!
Me said:

Thanks for your reply!

I have added the two fields onto a table created in sql server. I
have linked this table into access tables. I do see the two
additional fields in Access, but since I created the form before I
created the fields, when I open the form in design mode, I don't see
these two fields. I wanted to find out if there is any way by which I
can see these two fields in the form.

The form's Record Source property (found on the Data tab of the form's
property sheet in Design view) is probably set, not to the table itself,
but to a query (either a stored query or a SELECT statement) that
includes only specific fields from the table. Edit that query to select
the new fields as well. After saving that change, the fields should be
available in the field list.

This worked - thank you.

Dirk Goldgar said:
The form's Record Source property (found on the Data tab of the form's
property sheet in Design view) is probably set, not to the table itself,
but to a query (either a stored query or a SELECT statement) that
includes only specific fields from the table. Edit that query to select
the new fields as well. After saving that change, the fields should be
available in the field list.

Dirk Goldgar, MS Access MVP

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