Hi John,
Yeah, that's pretty cruel to tease us like that.
Sorry I didn't mean it to sound that way.
In the original thread someone suggested binarysearch and when I looked back
over the Palm C code, I realised I was using a binarysearch there, but I
just missed it. In the Palm stuff, I was using a table as temp storage. I
was looking at the outer loop of the code and missed the fact that I was
using the binarysearch mechanism of the database stuff. Once I saw that, it
was pretty straight forward to change from looping through the list to
binarysearching the list. That was a big speed gain.
There was also a knowledge gain too as I'd yet to use any IComparer stuff.
Incorporating an IComparer Sort class and an IComparer Find class as nested
classes in my original class was a big plus to the overall design and a
technique I know I will use many times in the future.
The other really dumb think I was doing repeatly was instantiating a form,
then going into a loop and displaying the warning form and then disposing
it. However in many of the checks the loop was never entered, so I was
instantiating/disposing for no good reason. A resource stresser would be a
better description for that type of programming.
Anyway I'm just thankful to this group for pointing me in the right
direction. Subject headings such as mine in the original thread can be
misleading to others learning the language, so I just wanted to correct that