thank you both... I will be checking which one it is. Both right now
basically have just an OS, and programs on one of them. The W2K drive
I backed up yesterday... except for a couple small files that it
wouldnt let me copy (yup the MS utility). Linux on the other but I
only just installed it again this morning. Whichever one is the
problem, if it goes before I get a replacement I will just put the
backup on the other.
Maybe safe mode will allow me to backup all files? It would go on my
external drive, so I dont know if floppy would be able to use it...
maybe the install disk.
Well got a WD 80GB for $90 - $60 in rebates... (30 from mfg 30 from
store), so $30 in the end... I hope.
Ended up being able to borrow Ghost from a friend to clone the drive.
After some starts and stops figuring out what I was doing it seems to
have worked but got a couple BSDs... not sure why. Maybe because the new
drive is bigger than the old one? Hopefully W2k is just working out the
kinks. One thing I wish Ghost allowed me to do was partition the drive,
but the partition to partition clone didnt work... lack of boot part I
guess. Maybe repairing the master boot record would have done it? Im sure
I didnt do it right but I wanted to get it working so just did drive to
Anyways, the drives are nice and quiet, everything loads quite a bit
snappier, and everything works... excepts those BSDs which were rare
Cheers all and thank you for the heads up on my hard drive / electric