rog said:
This is unrelated, but I need some help. I'm running WinXP Home and I
installed a web camera - It disabled my ability to use IE. I can connect,
but I cannot use IE at all - nor any other aps that actually use the
Interent. In other words, my dial-up is working fine.
I believe it has something to do with Automatic Private IP Addressing in
Windows, but I can't find it in the registery very well, and everything the
camera company sends me is useless trivia from tech support.
How do you normally access the web - dialup or ADSL/Broadband?
You say it "disabled my ability to use IE" - Are you saying IE won't launch
at all, or launches but with errors? Are you also saying that mail clients
don't work e.g Outlook Express?
Re. private automatic IP address, you can find this under properties for the
network (dialup in your case?) TCP/IP settings.
Automatic IP normally only an issue is you are on a LAN or are connecting
to a router/hub, in which case you can set it to be assigned an IP address
from a DHCP server OR assign a static private IP address e.g
The IP address would be found under the relevant network adapter (NIC)
Not sure what else to say without more information...