Is HyperLink in Combo Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter DavePro
  • Start date Start date


I need help coding my Combo Box to jump to a URL. After I
set the property of IsHyperlink to "Yes" then what coding
do I need. The help file doesn't explain that very
well. Thank you.
Did you want to put a web browser on your form, and then have the browser
display whatever was selected in the combobox?
If so, you could add a web browser control to the form.
Then, add the following code to the combobox's change event:
brsWeb.Navigate (cboURL.Text)
This will cause the browser control to load the selected url's page.

If you want to open Internet explorer and navigate to the selected URL you
use the following for the combo box's change event:
Application.FollowHyperlink (cboURL.Value)
