Is HTML5 evil?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Doe
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John Doe

I'm trying to toggle Adobe shockwave flash, after Google stopped
allowing a right click "stop download" option on their Youtube
videos. If you just disabled flash player, Youtube forces the video
on you via HTML5.
John said:
I'm trying to toggle Adobe shockwave flash, after Google stopped
allowing a right click "stop download" option on their Youtube
videos. If you just disabled flash player, Youtube forces the video
on you via HTML5.

What browser are you using ?

Paul said:
What browser are you using ?


For Firefox, you can try about:config, then set the following three
entries to False by clicking them.

media.ogg.enabled false
media.wave.enabled false
media.webm.enabled false

I guess the idea is, you need to know what media formats HTML5
supports, and then disable them. Apparently, the codecs come
from the OS in some cases.

For Firefox, you can try about:config, then set the following three
entries to False by clicking them.

media.ogg.enabled false
media.wave.enabled false
media.webm.enabled false

Thanks for looking. Yes, I'm using Firefox. Tried those
configuration settings, didn't work.

Currently trying Firefox add-ons Flash OnOff combined with StopTube. Seems
to work.

I don't know why Google refuses to provide an easy way to stop the
Youtube download at times, but I need to save the bandwitdh.
I'm trying to toggle Adobe shockwave flash, after Google stopped
allowing a right click "stop download" option on their Youtube
videos. If you just disabled flash player, Youtube forces the video
on you via HTML5.

Is Flash evil? :)

@~@ Remain silent. Nothing from soldiers and magicians is real!
/ v \ Simplicity is Beauty! May the Force and farces be with you!
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John said:
Thanks for looking. Yes, I'm using Firefox. Tried those
configuration settings, didn't work.

Currently trying Firefox add-ons Flash OnOff combined with StopTube. Seems
to work.

I don't know why Google refuses to provide an easy way to stop the
Youtube download at times, but I need to save the bandwitdh.

This page test your browser capabilities. And the additional information
here, gives you some idea what interfaces on the browser they're interested in.

Is Flash evil? :)

As a sometime programmer, I am firmly convinced HTML5 is evil, compared to Silverlight, which is a joy to program with. Not familiar with Flash. Butin their anti-Microsoft zeal, the zealots killed (effectively) Silverlight, which is a shame. All it will mean however is some poor professional webprogrammer, typically an Indian teenager, will have more fits trying to dothe same thing you can do in Silverlight with one-tenth the effort. Consequently HTML5 will have more bugs.
