Is Frontpage still used?

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I have been out of touch with the web site development tools but previoulsy
used Frontpage 2003. It is an old product and does not seem to have any
recent replacements from Microsoft. Is Frontpage still a good tool to use or
has Microsoft replaced it with a different product?
It has been replaced by Expression Web. But, there is nothing that says you
can't continue using FP 2003. Many, many people do. That's why the FrontPage
newsgroups still exist.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
message :I have been out of touch with the web site development tools but previoulsy
: used Frontpage 2003. It is an old product and does not seem to have any
: recent replacements from Microsoft. Is Frontpage still a good tool to use
: has Microsoft replaced it with a different product?
FrontPage is a great great program and is the last WYSIWYG web editor that
doesn't require the user to learn to write code (HTML and CSS, among others).

ExpressionWeb, which replaces it, has much less user-friendly functionality
(a downgrade in a sense).... but, proponents will maintain that it produces
'cleaner code'.

The downside of FrontPage is that some/many of the user-friendly features
require FrontPage Extensions (FPE) to be added by the Hosting company.

The good news on that is it seems that many webhosting companies will
continue to support FPE for some time in the future.... because so many
people want them that still use Frontpage..... even if they are discontinued.

Who knows, but I'd guess that FrontPage use will continue for quite some
time as it's either that or learn code.... or hire someone to do your website.
All this is true, but I found that once I had had my hand held by the FP
WYSYWYG editor for long enough, I wanted to see the code behind it. Now I
don't use it in design mode at all. As many would say, HTML and CSS are not
languages in the true sense anyway.
Rick Sparks said:
FrontPage is a great great program and is the last WYSIWYG web editor that
doesn't require the user to learn to write code (HTML and CSS, among

ExpressionWeb, which replaces it, has much less user-friendly
(a downgrade in a sense).... but, proponents will maintain that it
'cleaner code'.

Acually its exactly the same ... you don't have to go to code view .. in
fact even less because there are more features to push buttons to do things.
EW helps you even more by having error help... and the css editor is far
easier to use than the one in fp.. though i much prefer the css properties
rather than the style manager.

I can't think of anything you could do in fp that you can't do in ew other
than the bots (exception includes)

I wish i had had ew when i was a newbie with dwts error reporting split
screen the new css editor ....

I would not call the bots user friendly ... in my experiance they broke more
times than they worked i once spent four months with no navigation till i
figured out how to fix the shared borders.... in fact bots are the reason i
started to learn more... they flustrated me so much... there are easy
alternatives to them all in fact all of the alternatives are easier to use
and they dont break.

To the OP

There is a 60 day trial that you can get

I recommend setting it up

Setting up Expression Web Ebook ( Fr*ee )

before using it ..... there is currently (usa only) a 30% off a upgrade and
expression studio (ms store)...

or you could enter our giveaway:)

if you have fp or other qualifying products you can upgrade...

there is a service pack 1

hope this helps


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