Is Error Help on a formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim
  • Start date Start date



I need a little help changing this formula:


to return a blank if the referencing cell is blank. I appreciate the help.

A couple of other options. The previous formula will show a 0 if A2 is
blank. If you don't want to see a zero then, modify it just a tad:

or if you don't mind seeing a zero when A2 is blank, then we can tighten it
up a little this way:
This looks good. I wondering if I'm doing something wrong because the
formula is returning 1/0/1900 insted of a blank cell.

Any thoughts?
Which formula is returning 1/0/1900 - at this point there are 3 or 4 from
myself and Jim Thomlinson.

A date like 1/0/1900 is how Excel formulates a value of 0 as a date. So zero
is being returned and the cell is formatted to display numbers as dates.
Probably need a formula that returns "" vs 0 when A2 is actually blank. See
Jim Thomlinison's (ignor the = in the middle of the formula, a typo on his
part), or us my version:
which is pretty much exactly what Jim posted, but without the unwanted =
sign. That would appear to be the formula you want/need.

So either:
=IF(A2 = "", "", IF(ISNUMBER(A2),A2,DATEVALUE(LEFT(A2,10))))