Correct me if I am wrong. In an Object Oriented environment each and
everything are objects. That means we cannot directly instantiate a class
nor we can directly reference a member belongs to a class i.e.
ClassName.MethodName ()
If I am right in that sense, we are doing the just opposite in .NET.
For example in the sample Hello World Application given below
Imports System
Class HelloWorld
Public Shared Sub Main ()
Console.WriteLine (“Hello World”)
End Sub
End Class
As per MSDN Console is a Class defined inside the System Namespace. Here we
are directly calling the Method () defined inside the Class Console. How is
this possible in an OO environment?
everything are objects. That means we cannot directly instantiate a class
nor we can directly reference a member belongs to a class i.e.
ClassName.MethodName ()
If I am right in that sense, we are doing the just opposite in .NET.
For example in the sample Hello World Application given below
Imports System
Class HelloWorld
Public Shared Sub Main ()
Console.WriteLine (“Hello World”)
End Sub
End Class
As per MSDN Console is a Class defined inside the System Namespace. Here we
are directly calling the Method () defined inside the Class Console. How is
this possible in an OO environment?