I bought a laptop recently and someone (who was keen to find any possible
faults with it) said it would be slower because it has ddr2. Is there any
truth to that? The ram is CL4 where if I'd got ddr it would have been CL2.5.
DDR2's higher latency is signicant, often moreso than the
higher bandwidth. This is with CAS4, newer DDR2 is CAS3 and
thus a little faster. Benchmarks will bear this out for
specific uses but overall a user might not notice it... or
in some cases even benefit from the higher bandwidth.
DDR2 also uses a little less power, maybe 30%, I don't
recall the specfics. That alone might be desirable for
laptop use- frankly I'd take a slower laptop if it ran for
twice as long inbetween battery charges.
The most significant bottlenecks in a laptop are often the
hard drive, video card if gaming, CPU if it overheats and
throttles back to lower speed. It may not matter on your
specific laptop which memory type is used, you'd have to
benchmark it in your particular, most demanding uses to draw
a viable conclusion. Some DDR2 is now hitting CAS2.5, you
might just keep the laptop and if someday you decide to
upgrade the memory then determine whether the
mainboard/chipset/bios supports lower CAS and get that ...
and it will be cheaper in the future than it is today.
I suppose my conclusion is that if this is a very high end
laptop, CAS4 DDR2 is out of place in it, it should've had
DDR1 or CAS3 DDR2. Otherwise DDR2 might be a sign that
platform in general is newer and might be more full-featured
and possibly have some other benefits as well.