In VBA, when I use decimal data type field from recordset as a variable in
arithematic expression or logical expression, Do I have to use CDec() along
with it ?
Example 1 ;
If CDec(tblA!Amt) > 5000 then
or following is enough
If tblA!Amt > 5000 then
Example 2 ;
Dim TaxAmt as Variant
TaxAmt = CDec(tblA!Amt) * 0.1
or following is enough
TaxAmt = tblA!Amt * 0.1
In VBA, when I use decimal data type field from recordset as a variable in
arithematic expression or logical expression, Do I have to use CDec() along
with it ?
Example 1 ;
If CDec(tblA!Amt) > 5000 then
or following is enough
If tblA!Amt > 5000 then
Example 2 ;
Dim TaxAmt as Variant
TaxAmt = CDec(tblA!Amt) * 0.1
or following is enough
TaxAmt = tblA!Amt * 0.1