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"The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.", so said Tom
Waites in his classic rap, "Step Right Up", a paean about come ons and rip
Now, we have all explored the fact that the Gate$ Foundation is no more than
a front to promote and try to claw onto marketshare for windos by lining
the pockets of Third World government bureaucrats all in the name of
helping "children with AIDS".
But, let's pretend that we've been teleported to some alternate universe,
where everything is on the level, and that money is really helping children
with AIDS.
But does it justify the other actions of the Gate$'s, the Ballmers and
Microsoft? That is, is the net gain a societal good, or a societal bad.
One thing to consider is the proxy war being fought against Linux and Open
Source by SCO for Microsoft. Let us also consider the egregious and
piggish acquisition of 'software patents' which are no being used to slow
the migration to Linux in Munich.
The fight against AIDs and many diseases and problems worldwide are really
computing problems. The scientists, engineers, social planners etc are all
dependent on software for research, budgets, development and so on. The
scientific community in many parts has already embraced Linux. Certainly,
applications that require supercomputer clusters, such as genetic
modelling, would run on Linux...and in the future, based on announcements
from IBM and the U.S. Government, it seems like more and more
supercomputing will be Linux clusters.
So, here you have the world, trying to advance and solve the world's
problems and the worlds mysteries. Here you have Linux, and OSS, which are
serving greatly. And much of that service is because these software
products can evolve freely and grow and change. The 'Openness' lets the
best minds contribute to the advancement of the software...and that in turn
helps to build better medical models and to help defeat AIDS.
Yet, the Gate$ want to put the lock and brakes on this development -- and
for one reason, and one reason only -- to line their already stuffed
pockets with even more gold.
So, when Bill Gate$ pays lip service to 'helping' children with AIDS -- but
then retards the advancement of scientific knowledge and software
advancement with software 'patents', and spurious lawsuits -- is he not the
world's biggist /roadblock/ to curing AIDS and solving the world's
Waites in his classic rap, "Step Right Up", a paean about come ons and rip
Now, we have all explored the fact that the Gate$ Foundation is no more than
a front to promote and try to claw onto marketshare for windos by lining
the pockets of Third World government bureaucrats all in the name of
helping "children with AIDS".
But, let's pretend that we've been teleported to some alternate universe,
where everything is on the level, and that money is really helping children
with AIDS.
But does it justify the other actions of the Gate$'s, the Ballmers and
Microsoft? That is, is the net gain a societal good, or a societal bad.
One thing to consider is the proxy war being fought against Linux and Open
Source by SCO for Microsoft. Let us also consider the egregious and
piggish acquisition of 'software patents' which are no being used to slow
the migration to Linux in Munich.
The fight against AIDs and many diseases and problems worldwide are really
computing problems. The scientists, engineers, social planners etc are all
dependent on software for research, budgets, development and so on. The
scientific community in many parts has already embraced Linux. Certainly,
applications that require supercomputer clusters, such as genetic
modelling, would run on Linux...and in the future, based on announcements
from IBM and the U.S. Government, it seems like more and more
supercomputing will be Linux clusters.
So, here you have the world, trying to advance and solve the world's
problems and the worlds mysteries. Here you have Linux, and OSS, which are
serving greatly. And much of that service is because these software
products can evolve freely and grow and change. The 'Openness' lets the
best minds contribute to the advancement of the software...and that in turn
helps to build better medical models and to help defeat AIDS.
Yet, the Gate$ want to put the lock and brakes on this development -- and
for one reason, and one reason only -- to line their already stuffed
pockets with even more gold.
So, when Bill Gate$ pays lip service to 'helping' children with AIDS -- but
then retards the advancement of scientific knowledge and software
advancement with software 'patents', and spurious lawsuits -- is he not the
world's biggist /roadblock/ to curing AIDS and solving the world's