Is away to insert a "formula" into a text?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marc
  • Start date Start date


I'm working on and have been forever a quote sheet. Many of the values
change based on certain criteria. I have a disclaimer sentence at the
bottom of the page and I would to have it set up that when I change the
criteria in the work sheets it would also change it in the sentence. Does
this make sense?

Use the & (concatenate) operator along with the TEXT funtion. For instance:
="Today is " & text(today()),"Mmmm dd, yyyy"). Inside the text function, you
can calculate and format any formula (such as today()) you like.
Yes, you could have a formula like this:

="This price of "&TEXT(B1,"0.00")&" is valid for 10 days only from

this picks up a date from A1 and your price from B1 and inserts them
into your disclaimer sentence. You can adapt this to suit your

Hope this helps.

bpeltzer said:
Use the & (concatenate) operator along with the TEXT funtion. For
="Today is " & text(today()),"Mmmm dd, yyyy"). Inside the text

Could be this?

="Today is " & TEXT(TODAY(),"Mmmm dd, yyyy")