My intention was to find out how many review conferences were on time. I.e
review or initial, hence the review part, and for on time the yes or no,
hence the yes part.
I wanted the formula to count which were reviews and then which were on
Joe User wrote:
I wrote:
Of course, you have to choose the correct arithmetic operation for the
intended logic. But Kelly neglects to tell us what the intended logic is,
and what was wrong in the first place. (The missing pair of parentheses
might have been just a posting error, not a real error in the worksheet.)
If the intent is to count the number of instances of "review" in one range
__and__ "yes" in the other range, then either "*" or "--(...),--(...)"
But if the intent is to count the number of instances of "review" in one
range __or__ "yes" in the other range, then Kelly should use "+" instead
But perhaps Kelly did not intend to __count__ at all. Perhaps the intent
to add some other range altogether, based on some combination of those
conditions, "and" or "or" we do not know. The error might be a missing
And/or perhaps Kelly intended to compare two ranges in the __same__
worksheet, not one range in one named worksheet and the other range in the
current worksheet, which is not necessarily the named worksheet.
Finally (but not exhausting all other possible errors), perhaps the real
error is a mismatch in the size of the ranges. That is, if the Kelly did
not copy-and-paste the formula, as evidenced by the typo in the posting,
perhaps Kelly also mistyped the actual ranges in the worksheet. For all
know, they might be P1

100 and AE2:A100 [sic] -- note the subtle
Since Kelly neglected to say exactly what is wrong and most of us lack the
gift of clairvoyance, we really do not have enough information to help
Kelly, other than by dumb luck (aka a wild-ass guess).