Jeebuss, but that was harsh. I'm really sorry-at least it's buried a bit. But
it is the way I feel, and valid points. I have described this situation to a
number of people with varying experience with numbers and contacts, and
obviously I'm a bit biased now. They may even be just along for the ride when
I pre-amble with what a huge asset it has been having everything in one place
(actually several, so it's never, ever lost) and it's now split-"unnhuh, that
suks". But when I get to the punchline, that once seperated, they may never
synch again, true shock and alarm shows..."impossible!" "broken". Still, in
my book words like that have to be backed up. Time is always an issue, but I
will try to revisit this, as I keep trying stuff out. That's the way I
learned Outlook, just started using more and more, never read a book, and the
help files were half broken by the time I got into it heavy and then turned
off the way ms does that...ewww...icky, thx so much-for softie I paid for
just didn't get around to using much for a while. I did learn some Exel VBA
stuff a while back because I didn't like any of the Palm trip/expense report
dumps available...getting off track and not enough time to go into that. But
I do want to mention to me that's the beauty of Outlook/Office-a much more
open ended system with so much less of the straight-jacket mentality. But I'm
no programmer anymore, but I do remember making punch tape, and I wrote some
decent stuff a while after that. Then I revolted and have this huge hole (in
my head!
Ok, I'm going to keep trying some, alongside Outlook. And in my first words
to "back this up", I am instead going to point out one part that does work
very well-the email auto-link. Yes! Now that's the kind of thinking that
really works. But on the other hand, in my industry only
one of my
customers is advanced enough that this works to any useful degree (but there
it work wonderfully!). And it is unlikely to change a whole lot, because of
the nature of the backbone extraordinarily mobile workforce so often in rural
areas and furthermore with a sizable (most likely a big majority from my
personal experience, and I have quite a chunk of it) percentage that simply
will never ever use a computer, though they may have some at home for the
family. So, for example, far more useful would be automatic fax linking here.
But then you'd make it only work within your own stuff, and again I would be
uninterested in it.
You know, things could be a lot different like that, now. You must yourself
imagine how different it could be if things were more open. But it's been a
terribly rough road for you in some ways ms, and not impossible to understand
how things got this way.
Hmmm...I wonder if I can use this history Reports could solve
one particular problem...