However, in reality I've seen no evidence that it actually works like
Regardless of the above, it will be very hard to even buy a single core
processor soon.
And what about energy consumption? A 3Ghz chip will cost several hundred
pounds / dollars a year to run. What's a dual-core or even quad or oct-core
going to cost you - or your business? And what if you have more than one PC
at home? And what about the cost to the environment? Surely this is only
going to exacerbate the already pressing global energy concerns.
The IT hardware industry by doing so much in the way of invention and
pushing the application of our expanding technical knowledge and
understanding, isn't doing enough in the opposite direction my opinion, to
save and conserve whats left of our resources.
Only professionals and certain companies are surely going to really feel and
utilise the benefits of all this extra processing power - of course its
desirable and thus easily marketable to the masses, but really, what's it
all for? To do not a lot of nothing more quickly? Oh great! Just what we
need to help us avoid global environmental catastrophe!