Thank you very much for you information. I got a iwill dp533 MB that takes
unbuffered or registered memory. Everything else is exteremly fast about
the system
I just wanted the memory to be fast too. No, I really don't know if it
would be stable
or not but going to 2.5-3-3 is kind of too slow, maybe 2.5-2-2 if i can get
some of those
in 1GB DDR266 pc2100 modules.
It would seem you have a choice to make... a lot of memory, or less
but faster memory. Also consider that even though your motherboard
would run PC2100 memory by specification, you might have better
results attaining better timings by buying memory with higher
specification than actually needed, like PC2700 2-2-2 or PC3200 2-2-2,
though of course with the amount of memory you want the extra expense
could be significant. If it were me I'd still buy registered memory
instead, if using more than 2 - 1GB modules.
I suppose you can always buy from some place with a good return
policy, or speak to the retailer in person to get their specific
recommendation. On the other hand, Iwill does provide this memory
compatability guide:
Upon Checking , they show several motherboards
using the same i7505 chipset (including yours) are using this same
CL2.5 Module (but again I don't know if you can use 4 of them
If you're forced to raise the memory timings with 4 modules, you might
first try raising the "Precharge" to a higher value. There really
isn't that great of a performance drop by using 2.5,2,2, memory
instead of 2,2,2, but of course you are building a high-end system so
I can understand wanting to get the utmost bandwidth, but it might be
easier to retain stability and have good performance by rasing the
memory bus MHz speed instead of lower CAS timing.
Of course extensive testing should be done with memtest86: