IrfanView versus XnView for PNG files
IrfanView doesn't appear to be able to show emmbed text information in PNG
files; however, XnView
The following webpage has a PNG picture of an owl on it with the following
embedded text information (IE6 doesn't seem to be able to show this PNG
image, where as Mozilla Firebird can, so if you are an IE user you might
have to right click and save the png file first)
Embedded text is:
Title: Horned Owl
Author: Pieter S. van der Meulen
Description: The original image was taken in July '90 with a Canon A-1
and FD35-70 on Ektachrome, 100 ASA, on July 1990 in Alaska.
The photographer (me
is reflected in the eyes (@left),
and is being completely ignored by this magnificent bird.
Digitization was done via PhotoCD. From 4Base resolution,
the alpha channel was created by edge detection and floodfill.
Low-pass filtering (norm. cut-off 0.2) was applied to create
a soft alpha mask. The final result was shrunk by half.
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/7147/nationalparks.html for the
original PhotoCD image;
http://www.cdrom.com/pub/png/ for the PNG home site.
Copyright: Copyright 1999 Pieter S. van der Meulen. This image, including
the alpha channel, may be used, edited and reproduced freely.
Software: pnmtopng 2.37.2
Does anyone know of any software that can display the above information
(select properties from XnView for the above) or that can actually edit this
I haven't been able to find any freeware that can edit PNG text or tag
information. I don't know why this is as you would think it is easy to code
and very useful.
IrfanView doesn't appear to be able to show emmbed text information in PNG
files; however, XnView
The following webpage has a PNG picture of an owl on it with the following
embedded text information (IE6 doesn't seem to be able to show this PNG
image, where as Mozilla Firebird can, so if you are an IE user you might
have to right click and save the png file first)
Embedded text is:
Title: Horned Owl
Author: Pieter S. van der Meulen
Description: The original image was taken in July '90 with a Canon A-1
and FD35-70 on Ektachrome, 100 ASA, on July 1990 in Alaska.
The photographer (me

and is being completely ignored by this magnificent bird.
Digitization was done via PhotoCD. From 4Base resolution,
the alpha channel was created by edge detection and floodfill.
Low-pass filtering (norm. cut-off 0.2) was applied to create
a soft alpha mask. The final result was shrunk by half.
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/7147/nationalparks.html for the
original PhotoCD image;
http://www.cdrom.com/pub/png/ for the PNG home site.
Copyright: Copyright 1999 Pieter S. van der Meulen. This image, including
the alpha channel, may be used, edited and reproduced freely.
Software: pnmtopng 2.37.2
Does anyone know of any software that can display the above information
(select properties from XnView for the above) or that can actually edit this
I haven't been able to find any freeware that can edit PNG text or tag
information. I don't know why this is as you would think it is easy to code
and very useful.