Thorkild Dalsgaard
Version 3.92 (Release date: 2004-08-20)
- New JPG option: Auto-rotate image according to EXIF info (Properties->JPG)
- New advanced batch resize options: Set long/short side, load/save settings
- New options for DigiCam RAW formats (Properties->PlugIns)
- New options for multipage extract (View->Multipage images)
- Option to use eBay search in the toolbar (Properties->Misc 3)
- Option to show common shell folders in Thumbnail directory tree
- Support for CR2/X3F formats (Properties->PlugIns, see also i_plugins.txt)
- Option to sort files using the XP sort order (for names with digits)
- New PlugIn for DXF/DWG/HPGL formats : CADImage.DLL (Shareware, see
- New hotkey: Shift+L = Lock/Unlock Zoom (fullscreen mode too)
- New/changed hotkeys: CTRL+P = print, CTRL+PageUp = previous multi-page,
CTRL+PageDown = next multi page, Shift+T = toolbar edit field,
Shift+M = send by email, CTRL+Shift+B = Batch scanning; (removed: CTRL+N)
- New options for toolbar edit field (file filter, see help file)
- New options for batch IPTC mode
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions:
Download from: http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm
- Some minor bugs/features fixed/added
Thorkild Dalsgaard
- New JPG option: Auto-rotate image according to EXIF info (Properties->JPG)
- New advanced batch resize options: Set long/short side, load/save settings
- New options for DigiCam RAW formats (Properties->PlugIns)
- New options for multipage extract (View->Multipage images)
- Option to use eBay search in the toolbar (Properties->Misc 3)
- Option to show common shell folders in Thumbnail directory tree
- Support for CR2/X3F formats (Properties->PlugIns, see also i_plugins.txt)
- Option to sort files using the XP sort order (for names with digits)
- New PlugIn for DXF/DWG/HPGL formats : CADImage.DLL (Shareware, see
- New hotkey: Shift+L = Lock/Unlock Zoom (fullscreen mode too)
- New/changed hotkeys: CTRL+P = print, CTRL+PageUp = previous multi-page,
CTRL+PageDown = next multi page, Shift+T = toolbar edit field,
Shift+M = send by email, CTRL+Shift+B = Batch scanning; (removed: CTRL+N)
- New options for toolbar edit field (file filter, see help file)
- New options for batch IPTC mode
- Several PlugIns are changed/updated, please install the newest versions:
Download from: http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm
- Some minor bugs/features fixed/added
Thorkild Dalsgaard