A Augustus Aug 7, 2004 #3 newsist said: What's hairy and has six faces? Click to expand... Fuzzy dice?
C Cuzman Aug 7, 2004 #4 " What's hairy and has six faces? " The collection of crabs on yo mama's pussy.
P patrickp Aug 7, 2004 #5 What's hairy and has six faces? Click to expand... Half-a-dozen trolls. You're not one, are you? patrickp (e-mail address removed) - take five to email me
What's hairy and has six faces? Click to expand... Half-a-dozen trolls. You're not one, are you? patrickp (e-mail address removed) - take five to email me
N newsist Aug 7, 2004 #6 newsist said: What's hairy and has six faces? Click to expand... Answer AtiTool.