Daave said:
My ISP -- Cavalier Telephone -- only provides fixed IP addresses.
I have a friend in Maryland that needs SDSL (symetrical DSL) and a fixed
IP. So:
I thought that sounded like good news. But according to the chap on the
phone this afternoon, they don't provide fixed IPs unless you pay for
them and it cost a lot more than I expected to get one. More than
Verizon by a long shot in fact if I was getting good information. I
ended up calling them because I couldn't find anything on their site
about fixed IP availability in any of their packages. In fact, their
specs seem to leave a lot to be desired. I did see the free modems some
said weren't free, but their prices seem to start at about $40/month and
it went to $50 to get phone service with it! I'm confused:
Where should I be looking to find info on your type service?
Are you on their new fiber lines or something? FIOS and other stuff
sometimes is fixed I know, but I was looking for simple DSL so I could
get a comparison contol point.