I have the following problem:
I'm running a W2K AD and use a W2K Server as printserver.
The Users can connect to the printers using the
printerswebpage http://printserver/printers. All Users
using W2K Pro can connect to the printers. All Users using
Win XP Pro cannot. It seems to be a problem with the user
rights. All Users are "domain users" and local "power
users". When an Admin tries to connect on a XP cleint it
Are there any settings I have to change for the XP clients
to allow the Users to connect to printers using IPP?
Thanks for your help
I have the following problem:
I'm running a W2K AD and use a W2K Server as printserver.
The Users can connect to the printers using the
printerswebpage http://printserver/printers. All Users
using W2K Pro can connect to the printers. All Users using
Win XP Pro cannot. It seems to be a problem with the user
rights. All Users are "domain users" and local "power
users". When an Admin tries to connect on a XP cleint it
Are there any settings I have to change for the XP clients
to allow the Users to connect to printers using IPP?
Thanks for your help