iPods with Video!


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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An iPod with video? Apple Computer Inc. has been talking to several major recording companies, looking to license the sale of music videos through the popular iTunes music site, The Wall Street Journal reported in Monday's editions.
Negotiations are an indication that Apple is moving to release a device that plays video files, possibly by September, The Journal said. Analysts see the development as likely because of Apple's strength in video software, including the Quicktime movie format and video-editing software, such as Final Cut Pro and iMovie.

An Apple spokeswoman declined to comment.

The Journal notes that so far, commercial movie download services have not met with much success, nor have devices already on the market allowing users to transfer video files from their PCs.

Source Yahoo News

This may be good news for those who thought that the iPods are on the expensive side. If Apple really is going to come out with the iPods featuring the video feature, the prices for the audio only will surely come down at more realistic levels. Of course it is premature but the possibility does exist that Apple will market the new product at same prices as the current flagship model i.e iPod 60 GB photo and if so, we could see the prices of the current models to drop.

Dream on, there is no charge for that! :cool:
I'm not really excited about this news to be honest. Watching movies on something as small as a ipod screen isn't much of a viewing experience. However, if there was an interface built-in that allowed you to connect the ipod to the tv to view the movie, then it might be worth the extra cash. I bought my girlfriend a 20GB ipod and its great for music, but I think apple are going to have a hard time convincing people that watching a movie on a tiny screen is worth the extra investment. Besides, there are good products already around that you can play movies on, and they tailored towards that feature with multi-format support and larger screens. For me, movies will always be better through a 42" plasma screen. Too much of a novelty.

You are absolutely right when you say the tiny screen is not good enough for video. Watching video is all about size!

I personally want to see the audio ipod prices to tumble since I think they are way overpriced.