Ipod Touch

Mar 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hey guys,

Not been around much lately, hope you didn't miss me too much! No one noticed really did they?!! :lol:

Anyway, was just reading a review of the Ipod Touch the other day, and they were saying as well as being an ipod, it can also pick up wireless internet and you can access your emails etc etc from there? Is that true? I'd quite like something which meant i could easily carry it about and access my emails etc, but not a big laptop!!

Just interested!! lol.

I was in Australia for a few weeks on holiday, catching up with friends from across there, and seeing one of them get married!!

Just been a bit busy since i got back to get back into the old routines etc. Hopefully i'll get back into the swing of things soon! :-)

Have i missed anything?
The iPod Touch does have WiFi Capability and has the Safari browser built in.

Not sure about an email client however.
Indeed, my friend can't get the WiFi to work in our local pub but oh well lol love the touch, am getting one myself soonish.
I look forward to seeing what you think of it Belloni :D They look like great little gadgets!