ipod disconnects

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My ipod keeps cycling from connected to disconnected. Has anyone else had
this issue and did you find a fix?

I'm having the same problem, but have found if you have iTunes open, don't
touch the vista autostart window that opens, after a few connects-disconnects
iTunes will connect to the iPod and it stays connected.

It does tend to drop if you open My Computer as this then starts looking for
it as a removeable drive.

You were correct. Letting it sit there seems to work but then I upgraded
iTunes and everything seems fine now. It connects and stays there. I wonder
if Apple fixed M$'s problem. LOL

Thanks for the input.
I have iTunes and the cycling between connected/disconnected seems
to go on ad infinitum. I haven't been able to update my iPod since installing
Vista. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks