iPod and iPhone 4 Speaker Dock - Suggestions?


Jan 31, 2005
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Looking at getting one for my iPhone for when i go on holiday etc.

Sound quality being the main concern, budget at most of £100 max.

Looking at either the Sony RDPX50IP or the Logitech Pure-Fi Anywhere v2

I prefer the Sony for its looks. Going to go to John Lewis's to listen to the Sony this weekend, cant find a local stockist for the Logi unit though, yet.

Any suggestions or comments on the two above?

Ta :)
I don't have much experience with iPod docks I'm afraid. Bex has an iPad dock, but I bought it for about £15 from Sainsburys - just an own brand thing... I wouldn't recommend it for sound quality!

On the other hand, one of my mates bought a Bose iPod dock a couple of years ago and the sound was fantastic - but I think it cost around £200 (so you'd expect it to!).

Having read up on the two products you linked to, I'd be tempted by the Sony (unless the recharable battery of the Logitech one is any use). They both look good :)

Checking it out in store sounds like a good plan. Is there a PC World near you as you could check out the Logi unit there :)
Checking it out in store sounds like a good plan. Is there a PC World near you as you could check out the Logi unit there :)
Ah yes of course! The purple shirts, had not even thought of them, there is indeed one not far away. I shall go on a mission tomorrow i think! :D

EDIT: Well they do both, and a few others, bonus.

BUT! **** me look at the price of the Sony!!!! - £90 more @ PC World!!! lolomg!
I had an Altec Lansing dock/speakers for a while in the kitchen and it sounded very good indeed, fabulous bass. But I reverted to a more traditional set up using a NAD 3030 amp and a pair of Ariston Accoustics monitor loudspeakers.

But I digress. Me mate bought the Bose one and much to my surprise it sounds superb. Pricey though.

Other than that I have not a clue except to suggest listening. Currys do a fair selection as well, local to me there's a PC World and Currys next to each other, they're both owned by the same company after all.
Yeah the Bose Zeppelin looks cool, but it needs to be portable, as i will be taking it on hols. :)

Gonna have to go and annoy the folk in PCworld etc with my music! :D