
Mar 5, 2004
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Hi All,

Was sat next to a guy on the train yesterday who was using his Iphone on the trains wifi. Never been interested in getting one before, but to be honest, it looked awesome!

Just wondered if anyone had one and what they thought of it?

Got to sign up to 02 for 35 a month, which isn't bad, but only internet browsing is when you have wifi, doesn't have 3G i dont think, so you can't just fire up the internet when there is no wifi connection?

Any opinions welcomed on this one! :)
It's down to £169 from £269 in the last few days - as it looks like they are bringing out a 3g version soon. You can use the internet over EDGE/GPRS, but it's slower.

I don't have one, but I'm surprised at how much I liked the ones I tried in the o2 shop a few months ago. The browser was actually really good! Becky has an iPod touch which has the same browser and it can view any site that IE/FF can.

Check out some of the games that are coming out for the iphone on youtube, as it can do some nifty 3D graphics too :)
I don't have an iPhone I'm afraid, but as Ian mentioned above I do have an iPod Touch which is similar. They are superb gadgets, and I love mine!

The internet capability is great, as is the music player. Only downside to that is having to use iTunes on a PC which I've found to be very annoying. It's workable though, and isn't enough to put me off.

Might be worth waiting for the 3G version to come out if you're thinking of getting one. Ian has been sorely tempted to get one and the only thing that has put him off is the fact that they aren't selling the 3G version yet. I'm sure when it is released he'll be first in line to get one!!

In the meantime, I would definitely recommend going to an Apple shop / O2 shop and having a play with one! They seem to have quite a few demos out on the shop floor.

Just as an aside, you can watch BBC iPlayer on the iPod/iPhone - I've just read about it now, and it works a treat :D