ipconfig doesn't work

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I have Windows XP Pro with Gigabyte MB with 1 gig of ram with
dual bios. When I go to start-run-ipconfig the window opens
for about 1 second and disappears. I can't ping. Any help
much appreciated. By the way I heard a rumor that Longhorn
is coming out in March or April. Is this true ?
Doug said:
I have Windows XP Pro with Gigabyte MB with 1 gig of ram with
dual bios. When I go to start-run-ipconfig the window opens
for about 1 second and disappears. I can't ping. Any help
much appreciated. By the way I heard a rumor that Longhorn
is coming out in March or April. Is this true ?

Do you have any sort of network adapter installed and configured?
(And, just out of curiosity, what's a "dual BIOS?" I'm not familiar
with the term.)

Running IPCONFIG from the Start > Run dialog box _should_ open and
close the CLI (Command Line Interface)in such a manner. To properly see
the results of IPCONFIG, it needs to be initiated from within the CLI.
Click Start > Run, and then type in "CMD" and press <Enter>. At the
command prompt of the CLI window, type "IPCONFIG /?," and press <Enter>.
Omit the quote marks ( " ) when typing the commands.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH
Bruce it beats the heck out of me what dual bios is. It was
on the box when I bought the MB. I build all of my on computers and just buy
the best MB's I can find, which are
usually Gigabytes. Thanks for the info on cmd
Yes I have a D-link broadband router with 3 computers on my
home network. I tried to ping microsoft.com using cmd and it
says 4 packets sent 4 packets lost. However I am on the net with this
computer so the router shouldn't be a problem should it ?
ok, nevermind. I can ping www.yahoo.com so I am happy.
still can't ping microsoft though. Maybe they don't want
to be bothered at this time. Thanks for the info. Anyone
know about the Longhorn ?
Doug said:
Yes I have a D-link broadband router with 3 computers on my
home network. I tried to ping microsoft.com using cmd and it
says 4 packets sent 4 packets lost. However I am on the net with this
computer so the router shouldn't be a problem should it ?

A great many companies have set their servers to ignore ICMP (ping)
requests, as such are often used to launch crude DoS (Denial of Service)


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH
Doug said:
By the way I heard a rumor that Longhorn
is coming out in March or April. Is this true ?

That 'may' be near the release date of the first beta version.
Bruce said:
A great many companies have set their servers to ignore ICMP (ping)
requests, as such are often used to launch crude DoS (Denial of Service)

Point of clarification: their firewalls, not their servers, are dropping
(ignoring) the ICMP requests.

The reader should exercise normal caution and backup the Registry and
data files regularly, and especially before making any changes to their
PC, as well as performing regular virus and spyware scans. I am not
liable for problems or mishaps that occur from the reader using advice
posted here. No warranty, express or implied, is given with the posting
of this message.
null said:
Point of clarification: their firewalls, not their servers, are dropping
(ignoring) the ICMP requests.

You're correct, of course. My bad. Thanks for correcting my
"imprecise" choice of wording.


Bruce Chambers

Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having
both at once. - RAH
(And, just out of curiosity, what's a "dual BIOS?" I'm not familiar with
the term.)
Backup BIOS on the motherboard. If the main one gets corrupted (e.g.
flashing with the wrong file) it will boot from the secondary BIOS allowing
the main BIOS to be reflashed or copied from the secondary.

Kerry Brown
KDB Systems