IPC$ help...

  • Thread starter Network Administrator
  • Start date

Network Administrator

IMPORTANT: The default IPC$ administrative share is
required by the Server service and cannot be deleted.


Well, i just deleted the IPC$ share (despite what
microsoft says) and now i need it back. I have tried
restarting the Server service, restarting the PC, etc.
nothing works. If anybody could help me with this
situation, i would much appreciate it. Thank You


My clients IPC$ share disappears every now and again after we installed RAS on thier W2k server. Restarting didn't solve it but stopping the Server Service and then restarting it did
If anyone knows why IPC$ disappears with no mention of it in the log I would appreciate to know how it can be fixed

Bill Peele [MS]

From: "Network Administrator" <[email protected]>
Subject: IPC$ help...
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 14:19:56 -0800
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.general

IMPORTANT: The default IPC$ administrative share is
required by the Server service and cannot be deleted.


Well, i just deleted the IPC$ share (despite what
microsoft says) and now i need it back. I have tried
restarting the Server service, restarting the PC, etc.
nothing works. If anybody could help me with this
situation, i would much appreciate it. Thank You

Try the steps in the following article.

318755 - HOW TO: Restore Administrative Shares That Have Been Deleted

Bill Peele
Microsoft Enterprise Support

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