IPC between VB6 and C#...

  • Thread starter Thread starter cybertof
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What would be the best way to make 2 applications communicate :

- one written in VB6
- the other one in C#

Typical Scenario :
The VB6 application make calls to launch the C# app with arguments.
(typically a 'shell'), unfortunately, this may 'happen' a lot of time,
and the framework will keep loading/unloading each time...

So I would like to
- load the c# app at the launch of the vb6 app
- put the c# app in a kind of 'sleep mode'
- wake-up the c# app and send him some args to work with
- once the c# app finishes its work, it goes back into 'sleep mode'
- once the vb6 app closes, it should close before the c# app.

I would need to "formalize" :
- the way the 'sleep' mode could be implemented at the vb6 part
- the way to 'wake up' the vb6 app from the c# app
- the way the VB6 & C# app would communicate together

I need a 'common' IPC method that would be easily implementend both in
C# and in VB6.

Many solutions in C# : remoting, socket, named pipes, mails slots,
filesystem watcher, etc...

Less solutions in VB6 : no support for latest technologies, and more
effort to implement the 'old' ones though API calls.

All your comments are welcome...
