iPad 3 Reviews


Mar 25, 2003
Reaction score
The Apple iPad 3 was released today, and the reviews are coming in already:

"A solid evolution of the iPad product line which may disappoint some due to the lack of external design changes. The internal improvements are impressive though and the camera, and more so the screen very much impress."

Read more at Hardware Heaven

"After using the new iPad for most of the day, I’ve been incredibly impressed so far. The speed and beautiful display are more than enough reasons to go out and purchase the new iPad right now. However, if you’ve already got the iPad 2 I’d recommend staying put for now, because the performance increase and improved camera aren’t good enough reasons to upgrade just yet."

Read more at Tech-Reviews

Anyone here thinking of getting one?
I think I'd be scared to buy an I-Pad they change it too frequently for it to be a viable long term investment. I mean, think about it, you lash out a monkey on a brand spanking new toy and then six or nine months down the line your expensive investment is old hat.

Which makes me think it may be worth buying a used Mk II. Hmm.

Same thing applies to a lesser degree with i-Phones too. And i-Pods. And, er, any i really, lol