I've just got the Canon IP4000.
I mainly got it fo CD printing.
I have to admi after printing a couple of CD's, I'm really impressed.
I just wanted to know... on average... with full tanks of ink...
How many full coverage colour CD's can I print?
(For arguements sake... let's assume an overall use of each ink tank
being the same.)
Or is the above like asking how long a piece of string is? : )
Any feedback would be appreciated.
ALSO... for the printer it's brilliant that you have 2 inputs to feed
paper in.
That's really usefull for having one tray be for envelopes.
Happy so far. : )
I mainly got it fo CD printing.
I have to admi after printing a couple of CD's, I'm really impressed.
I just wanted to know... on average... with full tanks of ink...
How many full coverage colour CD's can I print?
(For arguements sake... let's assume an overall use of each ink tank
being the same.)
Or is the above like asking how long a piece of string is? : )
Any feedback would be appreciated.
ALSO... for the printer it's brilliant that you have 2 inputs to feed
paper in.
That's really usefull for having one tray be for envelopes.
Happy so far. : )