Christopher Luther
I'm trying to create, if possible, a policy file (e.g., IPForward.adm) with
which I can "force" the disabling of IP forwarding
(HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters, IPEnableRouter
value name).
I've looked at the various *.adm files installed on a Windows XP Pro machine
for examples, but I cannot find an example of setting service values via a
policy file.
Any suggestions or pointers would be most appreciated.
which I can "force" the disabling of IP forwarding
(HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters, IPEnableRouter
value name).
I've looked at the various *.adm files installed on a Windows XP Pro machine
for examples, but I cannot find an example of setting service values via a
policy file.
Any suggestions or pointers would be most appreciated.