IP Addresses in IE6

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ted Smith
  • Start date Start date

Ted Smith

Whenever we click on a link in IE6 it takes us faithfully (most of the time
anyhow) to the site represented by the address in the link. What is then
shown to us in the Address field of the browser is the domain name of the
site we have just gone to. Is there any way for the actual IP Address of
that site to show up as well???

Ted Smith
Hi Ted.

There are no settings that I know of in IE that will show you the IP address
of the current site.
The new anti-phissing tool for IE (available for download from Microsoft)
may be what youre after. You could also try the Annomiser toolbar.

Here is a menu script to ping the current site.

try {
var parentwin = external.menuArguments;
var doc = parentwin.document;
var sAddr = doc.domain;

doc.body.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<object id=\"objScript\"
width=0 height=0
doc.all.objScript.Run("%comspec% /c ping " + sAddr);
Thank you Rob. I am very interested in the "script" you provided, but not
being a programer I don't know what to do with it to make it work for me.
Any chance you could help me with that as well?

Ted Smith
Hi Ted, Send me an email. I will then be able to send you back the setup
program for the button. I have had problems with it though on XP.
Hi Rob. My e-mail address is: Tedsmith001 @ sbcglobal.net

Thanks for the offer and help.

Ted Smith