IP Address?

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I am getting a message "Windows- System Error There is an IP address
conflict with another system on the network."
One of the most clear error messages you'll ever see - it means there's
another computer on your network with the same Internet Protocol address.
If you are on a home network and you assign static (fixed) IPs to your
machines - you've duplicated one. If you'e on a network where addresses are
automatically assigned (DHCP), then the likely culprit is a machine that was
turned off, its IP reassigned by the server, and the machine came back on
line thinking it still had a valid IP.

Right click Network Places (or Control Panel/Network Connections), right
click on your network connnection, select Repair.

Education's purpose is to replace an empty
mind with an open one.

I am getting a message "Windows- System Error There is an IP address
conflict with another system on the network."
Thanks, that seemed easy enough. But now i am getting a message saying,
"Linksys is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network
resource. COntact the administrator of this server to find out if you have
access permissions. The list of servers for this workgroup is not currently
available." Any ideas?