IP Address Without DHCP Server



Is there a way other than permanently assigning an IP, to assign IP's in
other ranges than 169.... - this is the fall back addressing range when a
DHCP server is not found?

According to the standards a "Get IP Address Automatically" configured LAN
card will set up in the 169... series in the event that the DHCP server is
not found. I would like to default this to the 192... series.

There are some entries in the registry that appear to do this, but I am a
little nervous about tweaking these....


Robert L [MS-MVP]

can you assign static ip. to do this, go to properties of tcp/ip>Use the
following IP address.

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Richard G. Harper

There is no way to change the default 169.x.x.x address if you keep your
computer(s) configured to automatically obtain an IP address and no DHCP
server is present. You could turn off that setting and use fixed IP
addresses but that's all.

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