IP address limit

  • Thread starter Thread starter Griff
  • Start date Start date


I am running Windows 2000 sp3 with IIS installed.

I bound several IP addresses to the network card and re-booted the server
and IIS failed to start ("IIS reported that it could not start because there
was not enough storage space").

I panicked and wondered whether the IIS meta base had corrupted...a restore
failed to solve the problem.

I then removed the IP addresses from the network card and everything
returned to normal. Experimenting a little, I've found that if the network
card has it's primary IP address plus a further 25 bound to it (26 in total)
then IIS fails to start. A few more or less IP addresses and there's no

I've had a look on MSDN for this, but found nothing. Is this a known issue,
or something peculiar to my server.


Hi Griff,

Try with some other network card or upgrade this one (you can also try and
replace current drivers).

I had IBM server that I could bind 29 IP addresses. If I added one more
network become very slow. After upgrading network card I was able to add
additional IPs without any problem.

Thanks Miha

It's actually a brand new 1 GBit network card. I'm leaning towards the
belief that this is an error in the TCP/IP stack rather than the network

It is a known issue. There is a "magic" number of IP#s when bound to the nic
end up causing problems. So bind either slighty more or slightly less IP#s
to the NIC and you should be fine.

I have no explaination for the behavor, but I have seen this come up before
in the newsgroups.