For the .NET support, look for "System.Net" in the .NET framework.
For "educational purposes" here an example in C# that does everything
"bare bones":
(Note that some lines are different from what I've posted before, that
was theory, this is practise <g>)
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace IPDemo
class Class1
static void Main(string[] args)
// dotted-quad notated IPs...
string dotted_quad_IP1;
string dotted_quad_IP2;
string dotted_quad_netmask1;
string dotted_quad_netmask2;
// ... become unsigned ints (32 bit)
// (long here for convenience)
long real_IP1;
long real_IP2;
long real_netmask1;
long real_netmask2;
// the results of some binary math go here
long maskIP1withnetmask1;
long maskIP2withnetmask1;
long maskIP1withnetmask2;
long maskIP2withnetmask2;
// is,
// this crude format just for a nice output
dotted_quad_IP1 = "";
dotted_quad_IP2 = "";
dotted_quad_netmask1 = "";
dotted_quad_netmask2 = "";
// see method below
real_IP1 = DottedQuadToInt(dotted_quad_IP1);
real_IP2 = DottedQuadToInt(dotted_quad_IP2);
real_netmask1 = DottedQuadToInt(dotted_quad_netmask1);
real_netmask2 = DottedQuadToInt(dotted_quad_netmask2);
Console.WriteLine("IP1: " + dotted_quad_IP1 + " is binary: " \
+ Int2Bin(real_IP1));
Console.WriteLine("IP2: " + dotted_quad_IP2 + " is binary: " \
+ Int2Bin(real_IP2));
Console.WriteLine("Netmask1: " + dotted_quad_netmask1 + \
" is binary: " + Int2Bin(real_netmask1));
Console.WriteLine("Netmask2: " + dotted_quad_netmask2 + \
" is binary: " + Int2Bin(real_netmask2));
maskIP1withnetmask1 = real_IP1 & real_netmask1;
maskIP2withnetmask1 = real_IP2 & real_netmask1;
maskIP1withnetmask2 = real_IP1 & real_netmask2;
maskIP2withnetmask2 = real_IP2 & real_netmask2;
Console.WriteLine("IP1 masked with netmask1 results in binary: " \
+ Int2Bin(maskIP1withnetmask1));
Console.WriteLine("IP2 masked with netmask1 results in binary: " \
+ Int2Bin(maskIP2withnetmask1));
if (IPsAreInSameSubnet(real_IP1, real_IP2, real_netmask1)) {
Console.WriteLine("==> same subnet");
else {
Console.WriteLine("==> different subnets");
Console.WriteLine("IP1 masked with netmask2 results in binary: " \
+ Int2Bin(maskIP1withnetmask2));
Console.WriteLine("IP2 masked with netmask2 results in binary: " \
+ Int2Bin(maskIP2withnetmask2));
if (IPsAreInSameSubnet(real_IP1, real_IP2, real_netmask2)) {
Console.WriteLine("==> same subnet");
else {
Console.WriteLine("==> different subnets");
// convert an int into a string representing the binary format
// of the int
static string Int2Bin(long number)
long k;
string binaryForm = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
k = number % 2;
if (k == 1) {
binaryForm = "1" + binaryForm;
else {
binaryForm = "0" + binaryForm;
// uncomment next 2 lines to have "binary dotted quad"s
// if ((i + 1) % 8 == 0 && i < 31)
// binaryForm = "." + binaryForm;
number = number / 2;
return binaryForm;
// build the int representation of a string that is a dotted
// quad IP string
static long DottedQuadToInt(string DottedQuad)
string[] IP_blocks = DottedQuad.Split('.');
return (Convert.ToInt64(IP_blocks[0]) << 24) | \
(Convert.ToInt64(IP_blocks[1]) << 16) | \
(Convert.ToInt64(IP_blocks[2]) << 8) | \
// check if 2 IPv4 addresses are in the same subnet
static bool IPsAreInSameSubnet(long ip1, long ip2, long netmask)
return ((ip1 & netmask) == (ip2 & netmask));