Dom said:
Hello all
I need to change the Ip address of my windows 2000 server with active
directory integated DNS.
1) Change all of the DNS clients which includes the DCs
and DNS servers too -- including that DNS DC that is
making the change.
2) Make sure you get the DC re-registered with DNS
correctly with the new address.
IF POSSIBLE, try to use the old address and the new
address together temporarily, if this makes sense on
your network.
(This only works if the old and new are on the same
How to I best go about it so I dont have any problems later?
Is there something I have to watch out for?
I appreciate any advice.
Run DCDiag and review the output in a text editor BEFORE
you make any changes. Run it again afterwards to make sure
things are still working.
To re-register a DC you can reboot, restart "NetLogon" service
(better), or use one of these commands:
netdiag /fix
....or maybe:
dcdiag /fix
(Win2003 can do this from Support tools):
nltest /dsregdns /server

Ensure that DNS zones/domains are fully replicated to all DNS
servers for that (internal) zone/domain.